Recursos encontrados: 211

Homeopatia não é Terapia Floral com Dra. Rosana Nechar: Homeopatia quebrando tabus

Quebrando Tabus

O Centro de Estudos Homeopáticos de Londrina oferece cursos de especialização, reciclagem e educação continuada, online e semi-presencial.
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Homeopatía, Materia Medica, Terapéutica Homeopática

Lógica diferente porém não excludente com Dra. Rosana Nechar: Homeopatia quebrando tabus

Quebrando Tabus

O Centro de Estudos Homeopáticos de Londrina oferece cursos de especialização, reciclagem e educação continuada, online e semi-presencial.
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Homeopatía, Terapéutica Homeopática, Clínica Homeopática

Custo infinitamente mais baixo com Dra. Rosana Nechar: Homeopatia quebrando tabus

Quebrando Tabus

O Centro de Estudos Homeopáticos de Londrina oferece cursos de especialização, reciclagem e educação continuada, online e semi-presencial.
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Homeopatía, Farmacia Homeopática, Clínica Homeopática

Cura gradual e progressiva com Dra. Rosana Nechar: Homeopatia quebrando tabus

Quebrando Tabus

Centro de Estudos Homeopáticos de Londrina
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Homeopatía, Clínica Homeopática

XXXIV CBH 2018-Curso Pré-Congresso: Homeopatia Sistémica

Tema de curso do 34º Congresso Brasileiro de Homeopatia. Dr Romeu Carilo é Médico Chefe da Clínica de Homeopatia do Hospital do servidor Público Municipal de São Paulo. Presidente Honorário e Orientador dos Cursos da ABRAH no Brasil. Professor Universitário, Mestrado em Morfofisiologia pela Universidade da Cidade de São Paulo. Conferencista convidado internacionalmente. Pesquisador e Escr...
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Homeopatía, Terapéutica Homeopática

Neural Basis of Mind-Body Pain Therapies (11/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 11 chapters, Dr Bushnell explains which brain regions are involved in pain processing and pain modulation; describes the effects of chronic pain on the brain and how psychologically based therapies influence these effects; discuss the differences in how emotional state and attentional focus alter pain; talks about the CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) as hy...
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Terapias Mente-Cuerpo, Relaciones Metafisicas Mente-Cuerpo, Dolor/psicología, Empatía, Terapia Centrada en la Emoción, Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual, Estimulación Encefálica Profunda, Terapia por Acupuntura, Hipnosis, Meditación, Yoga, Efecto Placebo, Terapia de estimulação

Probiotics, the Microbiome, and Host Immune Response (9/11)

In this lecture divided into 11 chapters, Dr. Hibberd talks about the history of probiotics, explains about the efficacy and safety of probiotics, the use of omics technologies to help understand the microbiome and probiotic functionality, and about the Human Microbiome Project. She presents studies with evidences that prove the benefits of the use of probiotics for health.
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Microbiota, Probióticos, Genómica, Terapias Complementarias, Ômicas, Human Microbiome Project

International Perspectives on Acupuncture Research (10/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 9 chapters, Dr. Claudia Witt describes key aspects of clinical research on acupuncture; discuss examples of studies that have been done on acupuncture’s safety, effectiveness or effects; identify various factors that scientists believe contribute to acupuncture’s therapeutic effects; name important areas for acupuncture research in the future.
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Acupuntura, Dolor de la Región Lumbar/rehabilitación, Dolor de la Región Lumbar/terapia, Terapias Complementarias, Terapia por Acupuntura

Manipulating the Pain: Chiropractic and Other "Alternative" Treatments for Back Pain (7/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 9 chapters, Dr. Deyo describes at least three methodological challenges in studying complementary, alternative, or integrative treatments for low back pain. He describes the overall results of randomized trials of chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture, and massage for low back pain and key considerations in assessing cost-effectiveness of complementary, alternative, ...
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Terapias Complementarias, Terapia por Acupuntura, Acupuntura, Quiropráctica, Masaje, Dolor de Espalda/terapia

Clinically Relevant Herb-Drug Interactions: Past, Present, and Future (8/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 11 chapters, Dr. Gurley explains about the factors that contribute to herbal interactions, pharmacodynamic mechanisms, pharmacokinetic Interactions; identify factors that contribute to the risk for herb-drug interactions, and describes how new technologies in supplements and drugs may impact herb-drug interaction.
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Ephedra/toxicidad, Interacciones de Hierba-Droga, Fitoquímicos, Farmacocinética, Suplementos Dietéticos
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