Benchmarks OMS

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Benchmarks for Training in Traditional Chinese Medicine

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This document comprises benchmarks for training in traditional Chinese medicine.

In 2003, a WHO resolution (WHA56.31) on traditional medicine urged Member States, where appropriate, to formulate and implement national policies and regulations on traditional and complementary and alternative medicine to support their proper use. In 2009, the resolution WHA62.13 further urged Member States to consider, where appropriate, inclusion of traditional medicine in their national health systems and establishing systems for the qualification, accreditation or licensing of practitioners of traditional medicine. This document as one of the series of benchmarks for training for selected types of TM/CAM care is part of the implementation of the WHO resolutions.The benchmarks for training describe models of training for trainees with different backgrounds, and reflect what the community of practitioners in osteopathy regards to be reasonable practice when training professionals to practice traditional Chinese medicine, taking into consideration that consumer protection and patient safety are core to professional practice. This document is intended to:

  • Support countries in establishing systems for the qualification, accreditation or licensing of practitioners of traditional medicine;
  • Assist practitioners in upgrading their knowledge and skills in collaboration with providers of conventional care;
  • Facilitate better communication between providers of conventional and traditional care, as well as other health professionals, medical students and relevant researchers, through appropriate training programmes;
  • Support integration of traditional medicine into the national health system.

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