Transversalization the intercultural approach in health services
The intercultural approach is understood as a “dynamic and permanent process of communication, learning and respect between cultures, under conditions of mutual legitimacy and equality, which is built between people and groups, knowledge and culturally different practices around the health-disease-care process” (1).
In other words, a participatory process that seeks to promote the development of culturally appropriate health policies and services in the national health model, as well as the complementarity between the official and traditional medical systems (2), to address the health problems affecting indigenous, Afro-descendant, Roma and other ethnic populations, in a comprehensive manner and taking into account the diverse cultural logics, knowledge, know-how and existing ways of living and healing (3).
This means that within the health sector (intersectoral process), conditions should be created for teamwork and intercultural dialogues with the participation of these ethnic populations, in which risk factors are analyzed and protective factors are strengthened, and the intercultural approach should be incorporated/mainstreamed into health plans, programs and services, both in the life cycle and in prevention, rehabilitation, disease control and health promotion (1).
The most developed programs with this approach are mental health, tuberculosis, maternal health, sexual and reproductive health, and environmental health, as observed in the experience of the countries of the Region with the support of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).
- Andean Health Organization, Agreement Hipólito Unanue ORAS-CONHU. Andean Intercultural Health Policy. [Internet] 2019. 2nd ed. Available in: POLÍTICA ANDINA DE SALUD INTERCULTURAL ::: ORAS CONHU / Organismo Andino de Salud – Convenio Hipólito Unanue :::.
- Sáez, Margarita. Health Protection for Indigenous Peoples and Interculturality. Module IX, OISS, EUROSOCIAL. 2008.
- Almaguer González, José Alejandro, Vargas Vite, Vicente and García Ramírez, Hernán José García. Interculturality in health. Experiences and contributions to the strengthening of health services. [Internet] 2014. Editorial Program of the Government of the Republic; 3rd ed. Available at: .