Total de recursos: 236

Dr Elizabeth Thompson - HRI

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Dr Elizabeth Thompson, Lider Clinician and Academic Director Bristol Homeopathic Hospital, UK, talks about the importance of research and studies done on the use of homeopathy during the HRI Research Conference, 1st Barcelona, ​​2013.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica

David Eyles - Research informing farming practices

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Describes and explains how research in and use of homeopathy contributes to good agricultural practices and good animal health, such as sheep and others.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Agricultura, Terapias Complementarias, Granjas, Ovinos

Dr Alex Tournier - Nano particles

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Dr Alex Tournier, founder of HRI, discusses nano particles as a way of describing the mechanism of action, the biological effect of ultra dilutions in Homeopathy.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Técnicas de Dilución del Indicador, Mecanismo de Acción del Medicamento Homeopático, Nanopartículas

Dr Alex Tournier - The mechanism of action in homeopathy

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Dr. Alex Tournier, Executive Director of the Homeopathic Research Institute, argues against the speech: "It can not work, therefore it does not work." He explains that there is evidence from scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of homeopathy. Discusses why finding the mechanism of action in homeopathy is important.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Mecanismo de Acción del Medicamento Homeopático

Nand De Herdt - HRI

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Dr. Nand De Herdt speaks during the HRI Research Conference, 1st Barcelona, ​​2013, on the importance of Congress and the research and studies done on the use of homeopathy in traditional and complementary medicine.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica

David Eyles - Homeopathy research into treating distress in lambs after tail ringing.

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Presents the experiment about lambs that usually have their tails docked at between 1 and 7 days old. The study was conducted to see if homeopathy could be used to ameliorate the discomfort. The conclusion was that a reduction of approximately one third in total distress was achieved using homeopathic Aconite, Arnica and Hypericum 200c and is a practical and cost effective means of improving ani...
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Ovinos, Cola (estructura animal), cordeiros, cauda ancorada

Dr Alex Tournier - Quantum coherence domains

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Presents an overview of Quantum Coherence Domains and how they differ and contrast from nano-particles. Understanding the physics behind the action of homeopathic dilutions has recently gathered momentum with the new links that have being drawn between homeopathy and the burgeoning field of nanoparticles. With the study the author presents evidence that quantum-nano-domains offer greater explanati...
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Nanopartículas, Física, Coerencia quântica

HRI Rome 2015 Highlights - HRI Research Conference, 2nd Rome, 5-7 June 2015

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Presents Interviews highlights from panelists at the 2nd HRI International Homeopathy Research Conference, Rome, 5-7 June 2015.
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Homeopathy and public health: multimorbidity, polypharmacy, antimiocrobial resistance, adverse drug reaction and homeopathy.

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

It presents studies done that prove the efficiency of the use of homeopathy in the treatment of several diseases, results obtained comparing the use of homeopathy with conventional treatment. Presents also the World Health Organization Strategies on Traditional and Complementary Medicine for 2014-2013.
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Homeopatía, 50207, Salud Pública, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Multimorbilidad

Mani Norland - The 2013 HRI Conference

Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Dr. Mani Norland of the London School of Homeopathy speaks during the HRI Research Conference, 1st Barcelona, ​​2013 on the importance of research and studies done on the use of homeopathy.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica
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