Dr Concepcion Campa Huergo - Creator of meningitis B vaccine explains her passion for homeopathy

Dr Concepcion Campa Huergo - Criadora da vacina contra meningite B explica sua paixão pela homeopatia


Colección: Homeopathyresearch (HRI)

Dr Conception Campa Huergo, Director General of the Finlay Institute, Cuba, Lead scientist of the team that developed the meningitis B vaccine VA-MENGOC-BC® 20 years ago, talks about her passion for developing new homeopathic alternatives to conventional vaccines, homoprophylaxis. It shows an example of Brazil in Curitiba, where the traditional or allophatic vaccine against meningitis B was used, and the effectiveness of the vaccine was observed comparing with other regions of the country. The explanation was that in this region a homeopathic vaccine was used together with the allophatic vaccine and with this there was a dynamization of the traditional vaccine. Dr. Conception also explains the economic impacts of homoprophylaxis.

Contribuidor(es): Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI); HRI Research Conference, 1st Barcelona Idioma: Español Duración: 7:22 Publisher: HRI Research Conference, 1st Barcelona
Asunto(s): Homeopatía; Investigación Homeopática Básica; Vacunas/economía; Vacunas Meningococicas; Meningitis Bacterianas/prevención & control; Homoprofilaxia; Impacto econômico
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