Dr. Josephine Briggs Talks About JAMA Viewpoint Article

Dra. Josephine Briggs fala sobre o artigo do JAMA


Dr. Josephine Briggs, Director of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NCCAM, comments about an article published in JAMA, that includes her viewpoint and for her deputy director, Jack Killen. She shares her thoughts about the need for a more nuanced and balanced conversation about research into complementary and alternative practices . She explained that as a result of research, over the past 14 years we know a lot more now than when NCCAM was founded in 1999, and that in the last years much more Americans use specific complementary interventions,

Contribuidor(es): US Department of Health and Human Services. NIH. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. NCCIH Publisher: US Department of Health and Human Services. NIH. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. NCCIH
Asunto(s): Terapias Complementarias
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