Hypnosis and group support in medical care: altering perception and reality

Hipnose e apoio grupal na assistência médica: alterando percepção e realidade


Dr. Spiegel, a world-renowned authority on mind/body interactions in medicine talks about his groundbreaking research, supported by rigorous clinical trials, provides a link between psychotherapeutic interventions and changes in brain function, mind/body interactions, emotional adjustment, and disease outcome that could alter the standard of care for those with medical illness such as chronic pain and cancer.

Contribuidor(es): US Department of Health and Human Services. NIH. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. NCCIH Idioma: Inglés Duración: 01:03:41 Publisher: US Department of Health and Human Services. NIH. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. NCCIH
Asunto(s): Hipnosis; Dolor/psicología; Psicoterapia de Grupo; Estrés Psicológico/terapia; Terapias Mente-Cuerpo; Cérebro
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