1º Congresso Pan-Americano de Plantas Medicinais e Saúde Integrativa: Intersecção com Medicinas Tradicionais e Complementares

Data: 04/04/2022 - 07/04/2022

The event will be held in three languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish. The Congress will be ONLINE. El evento será VIRTUAL.
he 1st Pan American Congress of Medicinal Plants and Integrative Health: Intersection with Traditional and Complementary Medicines aims to create a dialogue between the use of medicinal plants and Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines – World Health Organization. Traditional knowledge and scientific information about the native and exotic flora of the Americas region must be preserved, validated and disseminated, as a therapeutic strategy that unites ancestral and current medicines, contributing to global human well-being and planetary health.
El evento será en tres idiomas: ingles, portugués, y español.

Idiomas disponíveis: Português
Contato: contato@cabsin.org.br
Observações: The 1st Pan American Congress of Medicinal Plants and Integrative Health: Intersection with Traditional and Complementary Medicines aims to create a dialogue between the use of medicinal plants and Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines – World Health Organization. Traditional knowledge and scientific information about the native and exotic flora of the Americas region must be preserved, validated and disseminated, as a therapeutic strategy that unites ancestral and current medicines, contributing to global human well-being and planetary health.
Público alvo: Profesionales en salud, medioambiente, pacientes, educadores, investigadores, estudiantes
Health professionals, environmental professionals, patients, educators, researchers, students
Serviços de Saúde, Saúde Ambiental, Fitoterapia, Plantas Medicinais, Terapias Complementares, Medicina Tradicional, Medicina integrativa, Integrative medicine

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