Rachel Roberts - Full scientific analysis of the Australian Report: an in-depth analysis of the highly influencial 2015 overview report on Homeopathy. Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy. HRI Research Conference 3rd, Malta.
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
Dr Rachel Roberts, Executive Director of HRI, presents a comprehensive scientific review of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Report, NHMRC, produced between 2010/2015 on homeopathy, whose conclusions were that there is no reliable evidence that homeopathy is effective. Dr. Rachel exposes evidence of prejudice, misconception and bad practice in this highly influential an...
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Sesgo, Sesgo de Publicación
Prof Leoni Villano Bonamin - Research results
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
Prof Leoni Villano Bonamin of the Santo Amaro University, São Paulo, Brazil, explains about the elaborated research, mainly with animals, and the results obtained on the use and action of homeopathy.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica
Dr Concepcion Campa Huergo - Creator of meningitis B vaccine explains her passion for homeopathy
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
Dr Conception Campa Huergo, Director General of the Finlay Institute, Cuba, Lead scientist of the team that developed the meningitis B vaccine VA-MENGOC-BC® 20 years ago, talks about her passion for developing new homeopathic alternatives to conventional vaccines, homoprophylaxis. It shows an example of Brazil in Curitiba, where the traditional or allophatic vaccine against meningitis B was used,...
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Vacunas/economía, Vacunas Meningococicas, Meningitis Bacterianas/prevención & control, Homoprofilaxia, Impacto econômico
Dr Clare Relton - The future for homeopathy research
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
Dr Clare Relton talks on her perspectives for the future of homeopathy research.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica
Dr Peter Fisher - Model validity, plausibility and research in CAM
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
Dr Peter Fisher talks on model validity, plausibility and research in CAM ( Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Terapias Complementarias, CAM Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Dr Stephan Baumgartner - The future focus for homeopathy research
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
Dr. Stephan Baumgartner explains about the importance of research in homeopathy, mentions examples of research being conducted that prove the effectiveness of homeopathy use.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica
Dr Elio Rossi - Cost benefit and scaling the Tuscany model in other regions.
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
Dr. Elio Rossi, Director of Homeopathic Clinic Field Mars Provincial Hospital, Lucca, Italy, describes the results obtained in the use of homeopathy in the treatment of some diseases, compared with conventional treatment. It shows the cost-benefit obtained and the potential of the model used and the possibilities and advantages of expanding the experience in Tuscany, Italy, to other regions and co...
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Homeopatía, Atención Integral de Salud, Terapias Complementarias, Investigación Homeopática Básica
Dr Clare Relton - Trial design in homeopathy and CAM.
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
It describes about research in homeopathy, trial designs and available information on the subject, mainly clinical trials and the database CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine).
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Terapias Complementarias, CAM Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Dr Elizabeth Thompson - HRI
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
Dr Elizabeth Thompson, Lider Clinician and Academic Director Bristol Homeopathic Hospital, UK, talks about the importance of research and studies done on the use of homeopathy during the HRI Research Conference, 1st Barcelona, 2013.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica
David Eyles - Research informing farming practices
Homeopathyresearch (HRI)
Describes and explains how research in and use of homeopathy contributes to good agricultural practices and good animal health, such as sheep and others.
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Homeopatía, Investigación Homeopática Básica, Agricultura, Terapias Complementarias, Granjas, Ovinos