Ankara, Turkey – From April 16-20, the 15th Annual Meeting of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Herbal Medicines Regulatory Cooperation Network (IRCH) was held in Turkey. The event brought together […]
The Directorate of Indigenous Health Affairs of the Ministry of Health of Panama is developing a process of strengthening competencies for Empirical Midwives in the indigenous areas of the country, […]
21 March 2024 — Experts from over 40 countries across all 6 WHO regions – researchers, policy-makers, practitioners, community organizations, and WHO staff – came together in New Delhi and […]
São Paulo, April 30, 2024 – From March 19 to 22, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) brought together experts and technicians in India to plan the activities of its Global […]
São Paulo, April 30, 2024 – From March 19-22, 2024, the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (BIREME/PAHO/WHO) was in […]
The WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre (GTMC) is organizing a global technical coordination meeting in New Delhi, India on 19 to 21 March 2024, followed by a WHO internal coordination […]
Held in India on August 17 and 18, the First Global Summit on Traditional Medicine of the World Health Organization (WHO) was attended by BIREME in technical cooperation with the […]
The Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico recently published on its website an article dedicated to its program with the milpa diet, which makes visible the work that […]
On July 3, 2023, in the framework of Dialogues with civil society, the Director General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and a group of senior WHO officials authorized […]
The World Health Assembly succeeded an unprecedented resolution calling on the Director-General to develop a global action plan for the health of indigenous peoples. “The resolution to protect the health […]
The 2023 Health Assembly agreed to extend for two years the WHO Strategy on traditional medicine 2014-2023, which would expire next year, and asked the Director-General to develop a new […]
WHO News original article:–opportunities-to-accelerate-health-for-all
Civil society organizations highlight the essential role of traditional, complementary and integrative health in addressing global health challenges, and opportunities for its integration into health systems WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros […]
WHO has appointed 11 experts in traditional medicine, public health and policy to its External Advisory Group to provide strategic and technical advice to WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit. The Summit, to be […]
In the framework of the launch of the new WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine (GCTM), the World Health Organization (WHO) is organizing the First WHO Global Summit on Traditional Medicine, which will […]
Following WHO guidelines in its strategy for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCIM), PAHO/WHO Brazil, in partnership with BIREME, held a webinar on the last December 13th to publicize two important […]
BIREME Bulletin n° 46 Posted in 2 August, 2020 The Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicines Network of the Americas (TCIM Americas Network) and the Brazilian Academic Consortium of Integrative Health […]
WHO Africa original article The VHL TCIM Americas shares this original news from WHO Africa for its relevance in the topic of Traditional Medicines research in the context of […]
BIREME Bulletin n° 44 Posted in 31 May, 2020 Evidence Map: translating knowledge to bring health science and management closer Evidence Map is an emerging method of knowledge translation that […]
In the framework of the I International Symposium of Integrative Pediatrics, held in São Paulo-SP, Brazil, on November 22 and 23, the Representative of the Pan American Health Organization / […]
La Unidad de Medicina Integrativa del Hospital Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna, Hospital público pediátrico de referencia en Santiago de Chile, junto con la Asociación de Medicina Antroposófica de Chile, organizaron […]
BIREME Bulletin n° 37 Posted in 26 October, 2019 The World Health Organization, in its recently launched 2019 global report on Traditional and Complementary Medicine, informed that the Member States […]
El Congreso Latinoamericano de Plantas Medicinales (COLAPLAMED), es un evento académico internacional anual que se desarrolla a través de conferencias impartidas por profesionales de trayectoria reconocida con el fin de […]
Fuente: La Gerencia de Medicina Complementaria del Seguro Social de Salud (EsSalud) fue reconocida como Centro Colaborador de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en Medicina Tradicional y Complementaria […]
FUENTE: Ministerio de Salud de Brasil – Portal de Noticias: El número de prácticas relacionadas a las medicinas complementarias que se han practicado en los últimos años, tales como […]
Los días 30 y 31 de agosto de 2018 se realizaron en la Ciudad de San Martín de Tucumán, Argentina, las “Primeras Jornadas Nacionales de Medicinas Tradicionales, Complementarias e Integradoras” […]
El Dr. Luis Alejandro Salicrup realizó una visita de trabajo a la Ciudad de Buenos Aires durante los días 14, 15 y 19 de febrero de 2019. El Dr. Salicrup […]
Con la presencia de el Dr. Johann Perdomo Delgado jefe del Dpto. de Medicina Natural y Tradicional del MINSAP; la Dra. Evelyn Anie González Pla, presidenta de la sociedad cubana […]
The Regional Coordination Meeting of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) is a forum aimed at sharing experiences and knowledge among institutions that produce, intermediate and use scientific and technical information […]
Durante la pasada Reunión de coordinación Regional de la BVS 7, en el marco del CRICS 10, en diciembre de 2018, en Sao Paulo. Los participantes a estos eventos, integrantes […]
Ceremonia del Lanzamiento de la BVS MTCI Américas y Plenarias Reuniones del Consorcio Académico Brasileño para la Salud Integrativa La Red MTCI Américas y Equipo tecnico de la BVS MTCI […]
El Ministerio de Ayurveda, Yoga y Naturopatía, Unani, Siddha y Homeopatía de la República de la India- Ministerio AYUSH– y el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia, suscriben […]
El Congreso Latinoamericano de Plantas Medicinales (COLAPLAMED), es un evento de carácter académico internacional anual que se desarrolla a través de conferencias y plenarias impartidas por profesionales de trayectoria internacional […]
Cuba ha desarrollado y publicado una guía metodológica para facilitar la investigación relacionada con los farmacos que se elaboran a partir de plantas medicinales, conocidos como fitomedicamentos. […]
En el mes de junio, la BVS MTCI estuvo en el Congreso de Oncología Integrativa en Lima, Perú. La doctora Iracema Benavides, de la Sociedad Brasilera de Medicina Antroposófica, miembro […]
Con el apoyo de OPS y en el marco de las actividades organizadas en nuestro país por la Embajada de Perú, denominadas MES DEL PERU EN URUGUAY, se realizó una […]
Después de su lanzamiento, en marzo de 2018, la BVS MTCI Américas ha adelantado una gira promocional, en colaboración con los miembros de la Red MTCI Américas. En el mes […]
Una serie de Talleres experimentales llevados a cabo en el Museo de Bellas Artes en la ciudad de Boston, están desarrollando una experiencia innovadora en la que se evalúa la […]
Cochrane, como una red internacional independiente de investigadores, profesionales, pacientes, cuidadores y personas interesadas por la salud, desde la década de 1970 recopila y resume en forma de revisiones sistemáticas […]
This section is dedicated to facilitating access to the tools built by WHO. View the PDF document This document comprises benchmarks for training in traditional Chinese medicine. In 2003, a […]
It groups the concepts, models, and evidence dossiers on TCIM. It includes the thematic structure and terminology used to organize the databases Thematic Structure for the VHL MTCI, was developed […]
The VHL TCIM Americas was launched on March 12 by the Director of PAHO/WHO and the Director of BIREME, within the framework of the 1stInternational Congress of Integrative, Complementary and […]
Complementary and Integrative MedicineEach state, and each TCIM have a specific regulation. To see the acupuncture regulation in each state, please consult: To see the naturopathic regulation: Natural […]
Medicamentos Herbales, Fitoterapeuticos y Plantas medicinales Disposición Nº 2819/2004 ANEXO VIII de la ANMAT. Disposicion 2673/99 AGREGADO XI. Disposición 1788/00 de la ANMAT. Acupuntura Resolución 997-2001 Publicada en […]
Medicina Tradicional Indígena Reglamento del Ejercicio de la Práctica de la Medicina Tradicional Boliviana con Resolución Ministerial Nº 0231 Ley Nº 0928 mediante la cual se crea el Instituto de […]
Medicina Natural y Prácticas Complementarias Política Nacional de Medicina Natural y Prácticas Complementarias PNPIC .PUBLICACIÓN 971, 1600 e 853 Portaria GM/MS nº 849/2017 PNPIC é ampliada sendo incorporadas 14 […]
Medicina Tradicional IndígenaMedicina indígena en complementariedad con el sistema público de salud Ley de Autoridad Sanitaria (2004) Reglamento Orgánico del Ministerio de Salud (2005) Reglamento Orgánico de los Servicios de […]
Listado de Prácticas MTCI reconocidasMEDICINA ANCESTRAL-TRADICIONAL Medicina ancestral tradicional indígena Medicina tradicional del pueblo afroecuatoriano Medicina tradicional del pueblo montubio Medicina tradicional del pueblo mestizo MEDICINA ALTERNATIVA Acupuntura Moxibustión Homeopatía […]
Listado de Prácticas MTCI reconocidas Medicina Tradicional Indígena Medicinas Complementarias – Fitoterapia, Acupuntura (Moxibustión, Ventosas, microsistemas de acupuntura) – Homeopatía – Quiropraxia – Herbología Antecedentes legislaciones Con respecto a la […]
Complementary and Integrative MedicineTo see the regulation in Naturopathy please see: Natural and Homeopathic productosTo see the regulation in natural products, please go to: Traditional MedicineCanada is in […]
A plataforma traz referências científicas para diversas práticas integrativas. A Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde em Medicinas Tradicionais, Complementares e Integrativas guarda uma ampla produção científica das 29 práticas do SUS, instituídas pelo […]
The Virtual Health Library on Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine (VHL TCIM) for the Americas was launched on March 12th by the PAHO/WHO Director, Dr. Carissa Etienne, and the Director […]
Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 12 de marzo de 2018 (OPS/OMS) – La directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), Carissa F. Etienne, presentó un panorama sobre la medicina […]
Aiming to share experiences and advance in designing mechanisms to improve and ensure quality of healthcare services in Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM), the World Health Organization held two workshops […]
The initiative to create a regional Virtual Health Library (VHL) on Traditional, Complementary and Integrative (TCI) Medicine emerged as a response of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health […]
The establishment of the first Researcher Consortium for Integrative Health in Latin America was announced during the Fisrt National Conference of Integrative and Complementary Health Practices, held in Natal, in […]
Informetrics relies on scientific and technical literature about Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM) indexed in MEDLINE, LILACS and WHOLIS database up to May/2017. Approximately 160 thousand bibliographic records were included […]
In this section you will find proposals, strategies and health models oriented to strengthen and promote health from the perspectives of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCIM), its therapies and […]
Abouth the Event The growing demand of the brazilian population for the formulation of policies aimed at the institutionalization of the integral therapeutic approaches and the resources used in the […]
This section has the information related with the lines of work to develop the following objectives: To make visible the glossaries of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCIM) from each […]